It’s that time of the year again! Get ready for our annual St. Joseph Bazaar! Our St. Joseph Church bazaar will be held on October 14th and 15th this year. Raffles and Auctions !! Food, Music, Dance & Games
North Houston Holy Mass every second Saturday at 4.00 pm. Those who are in that area is encouraged to participate. Address: 19740 Candlecreek Dr Spring TX - 7738
Part time office secretary/administrative assistant Our church needs an office secretary to do the office work, book keeping and communications. We are hiring an part time office secretary/administrative assistant.Volunteers or paid position. Please contact Vicar or trustees for details or to submit resume.
Please sign up to dedicate time to adoration. Contact Jose Kadathparbel at (409) 748-9710 or Sign up, using Parish web site. Please make a commitment to offer up some valuable time for our Lord!.